No matter where you are in your therapy journey, there is room to grow, evolve, and enhance your life.

Virtual Therapy serving New York, Connecticut and Louisiana

Westport • Greenwich • Fairfield • Stamford • Wilton • Weston • Fairfield County • New York City • Brooklyn • Westchester • Long Island • New Orleans

We help you go from feeling anxious and stuck, to living an empowered life where there is a roadmap for change.

We focus on tools that resonate with you, spending more time honing skills that help and less time on those that don’t. Together, we uncover subtle patterns that are holding you back and aim for Aha! Moments and self-discovery outside of the therapy room.

On the Blog

Huffpost 〰️

Bustle 〰️

MSN 〰️

Yahoo News 〰️

Cosmo 〰️

Insider 〰️



My Wellbeing 〰️

Huffpost 〰️ Bustle 〰️ MSN 〰️ Yahoo News 〰️ Cosmo 〰️ Insider 〰️ NAMI 〰️ LOLA 〰️ My Wellbeing 〰️